Features - Auto-sharing of USB Devices

To allow redirection of a USB device, you need to share it. USB Redirector RDP Edition can share USB devices automatically each time they are physically plugged into USB port of your computer.

Warning! Shared devices are not accessible locally until you unshare them. If you restart your computer with auto-sharing mode enabled, then USB Redirector RDP Edition will share all USB devices that are not in the Exclusion List during reboot, including your keyboard and mouse! Thus, we recommend to exclude your keyboard and mouse from sharing.

To enable auto-sharing, you need to:

1) Click corresponding button on the Toolbar or choose Sharing > Auto Sharing Mode menu item.

USB Redirector RDP Edition - Workstation main window with Auto-Sharing button

2) After that you'll see the auto-sharing warning message. Please read this information carefully! Click Yes to continue.

USB Redirector RDP Edition - Workstation auto-sharing warning message

3) From now on all USB devices that you plug into the computer will be shared automatically except those devices that are in Exclusion List.

To unshare a particular device you need to select it in the list and click corresponding button on the Toolbar or choose Sharing > Stop USB Device Sharing from the menu.

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