Features - Remote Control

The Remote Control feature allows you to connect/disconnect USB devices to remote USB client, while being on USB server.

To connect USB devices to remote USB Client you need to:

1) Establish a direct or callback connection with remote USB client. If such connection is already established, you will see it on the "Local USB devices available for sharing" tab:

Direct and callback connections in USB Redirector

2) Share a USB device. Only shared USB devices can be connected to remote USB client.

Sharing a USB device in USB Redirector

3) Connect a USB device to remote USB client:

Connnecting a USB device to remote USB client in USB Redirector

To disconnect USB device from remote USB client you need to:

Select the USB device on the "Local USB device available for sharing" tab and press Disconnect button on Toolbar; or select Remote Control > Disconnect USB Device from USB Client menu item.

Disconnnecting a USB device from remote USB client in USB Redirector

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